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Racer Y
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Quote from MadCat360 :Re: probability of life.

The main assumption of people who tend to think the formation of life is improbable is that it is based on probability. It is not. Given the presence of not uncommon conditions, life is a certainty. It's a physical process, not some dice roll (on a macro scale. Obviously some probability creeps in on the mutagenic scale due to quantum mechanics).

Speaking of uncommon conditions, I recently read a very interesting, very short paper about the occurrence of a universal goldilocks zone with relation to water temperature and the conditions for carbon based life. The idea goes that about 10-17 million years after the collapse of the universal plasma, the mean spatial temperature would have been about 300k, which would have meant a universal goldilocks zone. Every planet, even rogue planets, excepting those already too close to young stars, would have been in more or less prime position to harbor life. It is not much of a stretch at all at that point to consider panspermeation being a relatively common occurrence, with the residents of the involved chunks finding a planet either already in or about to transition to a goldilocks zone. It's also very likely that these rogue planets harbored life well beyond the point when the mean temperature dropped to an uninhabitable degree due to tectonic, heat vent, and other life supporting planetary activity.

Hey that's great! Uh... the discussion was INTELLIGENT life, The "odds" of successive mutations occurring on a planet making it far enough along that they wind up with a species have a sense of self, make fire and kill others for fun. That's where things get tricky.
I'm no scientist, but I do gamble. Yeah, evolution is a crap shoot. Ever shoot dice? It's real easy to use a crap game as a vehicle to base evolutionary development with. It's not totally accurate as we're playing with random variables, but it's close enough. LOL a starter set for Darwinism.

I read a little about Goldilocks zones too. It has valid points, but still doesn't automatically guarantee survival of life or the advancement of life. It just proposes the possibility of life.
Maybe this is the wrong example, but here goes.
Say you have a nice aquarium you've set up, it's perfect to support a multitude of fishes. Are those fish going to magically develop just cause there's a nice place for them? Of course not. Now let's say you did all that and left the tank alone... for a few million years. Does that mean the microbes in the cycled tank will automatically develop into something else? No. It just means that the possibility for them to develop is there. Does that make sense?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :Or, a simpler answer is that we live in a virtual reality, it is all an illusion.

This, on one level explains many inconsistencies in our view of reality.

It does however, open up a much bigger question.

As an example, a table, on our level is solid, it appears to have form and structure, and be physically present.

Yet, on the atomic level, it is simply electrons, by far the greater part of an atom is nothing. So, do we think space is solid, or vast areas of nothing, with occasional stars and planets.

So, if space resembles atoms, why do we believe objects have physical form ?

Well, it's convenient, given the limited resources we have for perceiving what we choose to call reality. But, our eyes only perceive a limited range of the light spectrum, and that limited view is then filtered by our brains ability to understand what it sees.

How do you perceive space travel, computers, digital watches ? And how would these things be perceived by a human 1000 years in the past ?

Which of these perceptions is 'reality' ?

They both are to each viewer as reality is different for all of us.

So what is real ?

FYI, it is fine accepting that it is a fun illusion and going with the flow. Also, Karma is a good points system to keep you levelling up to clock the game.

I don't believe in Karma.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Forbin :And yet life continues, including intelligent life both before and after such events.

You mean there was some sort of intelligent life on Earth before the Asteroid hit in Arizona?

[/QUOTE]Who is to say life on Earth is not? Who is to say we are not?[/QUOTE]

Actually I believe that there is a dead end to evolutionary development- of sorts. But even if there is or isn't, we made it to sentience.
LOL there's all sorts of sci-fi that has a superior life form developing from humanity and the humans go out and kill it.

[/QUOTE]Do you have a source for the particular odds of life forming?[/QUOTE]
Really? Does there ALWAYS have to be a chart or a wiki or whatever with you?
Yeah I have a source. My own brain cells.
Here let's start with something simple.
Sexual reproduction and the chance of mutations based on reproduction performed in almost identical settings. What is the odds of that? There's probably something on wikipedia you can surf to find that out. We've all seen the poster with the bees or the flies in school.
Now we don't care about a plain ol plain ol mutation. Nope we need a dominating mutation. One that dominates the gene pool but where at the very least, the mutation doesn't interfere with development of the mutated specimen. What are the odds there? No. I don't have a clue. Where getting into numerical territory I can't count to
Now forget so so mutations. we're really wanting an freaking X-man. In other words a step up on evolutionary development. The odds?
Now with divergent evolution theory, we know that it's not just ONE specimen reproducing. LOL There's all sorts of reproducing going on, but it still had to get a start and that was a big reach in itself - right?

Now with all that, factor in competition from other organisms (think lions and tigers as well as flu virus), natural disasters, "man made" disasters, hell even an alien space invasion from another planet that did manage to make it.
Do that and the thought of a planet with intelligent life is at best a rarity if at all. Something along the lines of correctly betting on the positions of all the horses in all the races at twelve horse tracks on the same day.
Do you really need some sort of "source" to reach that deduction?
Sure If it happened once with us, it can happen again. I just don't think it should be taken for granted that there is automatically "little green men" running around on some other planet

Sorry, I can't do this quote thing for Sh!t
That Nascar Bike....I don't like where the rider sits.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Forbin :Considering how vast the galaxy is, let alone the universe, and how long everything has been around, I think it's a stretch to say it is unlikely there are other planets out there without intelligent life, or at least there were/will be at some point in time. If we evolved to be as we are, what is to prevent other beings from doing the same? We've already proven it's possible, and if it can happen once, it can happen again.

While there is a vast quantity of planets in the Milky Way galaxy and they vary wildly in terms of mass, distance from the habitable zone of their star(s), etc., there are many of those planets that have a high probability of being earth-like*, as shown by the Kepler Project:

*This does not imply exactly like Earth. Earth-like objects are defined explicitly as planets that meets some specific criteria, particularly with regards to mass and distance from its star. At this time, the composition of these objects is unknown.

How many times on this planet has some catastrophic event wiped out everything? Well almost everything. LOL by the grace of God our organics was built up to withstand that and somehow able to keep going. Come to think of it, it's a minor miracle that it hasn't happened again. And even if there was enough organic material to condition a planet for earth like or other life development, there's no guarantee that that life isn't or heading to or hit an evolutionary dead end. There's just so much more to take in consideration besides a having friendly atmosphere.
LOL you know that on the Planet Quarg, people are probably having this very same discussion.
Know anything about horse racing?
There's a bet you can make. I think it's called a superexacta I'm not sure. I only bet place and show and quinellas. Anyways, the bet consists of you not just picking the winners in every race but the positions of all the horses in all the races. at the track on that day. The odds of winning are phenomenal. Now make that bet at say 10 or 12 race tracks. The odds of hitting every single one is about the same as what it took to get from simple amino acids with proteins to simpletons with protractors. But again, I'm not adamant that there isn't intelligent life out there as if it happened once, it can happen twice. Just the odds doesn't look like a bet I'd make.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from sinbad :If you don't believe there is a God, isn't that the same as believing there isn't a God? Can you really "Not believe" in God and "not believe" also in the absence of a God?

I put it to you that someone who doesn't believe there is no Santa Clause is expecting the clip clop of some reindeer on their roof every Christmas eve.

I dunno. Never really thought about it like that.

"Can you really "Not believe" in God and "not believe" also in the absence of a God?"
Sure. Why not? I been telling God he don't exist for decades now.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
playing hooky from work today..... Not so sure I wanna go back anymore.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Blas89 :I know this was aimed at Cornys but let me jump in the conversation.

Thanks for jumping in
Actually I wasn't really "aiming" for Coryn. I was just trying to use his post to make a point about some things I've noticed about Atheism. Or to be more precise, a big chunk of the people that.....practice(?) it.
A lot of Atheists tend to think they are the intellectual superior of the blue haired church lady when in many cases they are just as ignorant and backwards. The reason for their "Lack of faith" is every bit as shallow as the church ladies' reasons for having it.
I think South Park did an episode that pointed this out.

I have a real hard time believing in intelligent life on other planets and I base that on my understanding of evolution.
As a species, we lucked out. So far... There are way too many variables, too many things that can go totally wrong with a planet in the time frame it takes to go from single cell to sentient.
And yeah, you can point out the numerous planets that are out there that can support life - and probably does. But intelligent life? I think that's a little too much to hope for at this time.

And Prometheus.... Was it just me? Or was that movie boring?

I used to think I was an atheist. I'm not. I'm a skeptic. I don't believe in anything.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Cornys :Well, I must say that Ham has a few valid points. The first is that in a system that is not to be biased towards a religion the science books of many United State's public schools are in fact somewhat slanted. This is a good argument. I must admit this.

As an atheist I cannot see a 6,000 year old Earth being anywhere near reality, and I absolutely cannot see myself believing in creation theory.

On the other hand these people should be entitled to their opinion, and our children should be left to decide what they believe on their own. I don't think schools try to deny children of that right, but I do think that scientific knowledge and understanding reveals the truth to a majority of people.

Reincarnation and other such theories of an "after-life" I also cannot believe, but I don't see scientific understanding and knowledge hindering such viewpoints in any real way. (First hand experience here with an Agnostic Girlfriend of 3 years).

Thanks for posting this It was enjoyable.

"As an atheist I cannot see a 6,000 year old Earth being anywhere near reality, and I absolutely cannot see myself believing in creation theory."

Just outta curiosity... Do you believe in UFOs?
It amazes me that so many atheists believe in intelligent life on other planets, based on nothing more than assumptions (1 billion planets - we can't be the only one...) and faith. Yeah Faith. All them scientists on TV saying there are can't be wrong - Right?
Cough Phrenology Cough.

LOL Some folks have as much blind faith in science as others have in the clergy.
I was on another forum a while back discussing the money game in the Scientific research racket. Most people were outright shocked that I could even suggest such a thing. To them, scientists could do no wrong. The scientific method. The nature of research. The... I dunno the whiteness of the lab coats. This was their defense against my heresy. I guess it was locked in their brain that these guys are just beyond reproach and the judgments of simple men. Sound familiar?

And NO. I'm not picking on you or trolling you about your beliefs.
I'm just pointing out a few things I've noticed about atheists over the years.
Not all atheists mind you, mainly the ones that denounce Christians as hypocrites to the point of redundancy.

Here's another weird question. Say we were more advanced than what we are now. We were so advanced that we could finally determine once and for all the existence of God. And we found out God really did exist.
Would we bow down and rejoice to the Almighty? Or would we figure out a way to destroy him?

Only 6,000 years? I thought they said 40,000? Maybe they scaled back to cut costs? Creationists... ROFL I wonder how many are still convinced the Earth is flat?

As far as the whole God thing goes. I don't, from an atheist point of view, I can't really discount that idea completely. We evolved from sea sludge. We now have 3d printers and stem cells to play with. And it seems there's been some sort of micro organisms found on Mars. No telling where that came from, but most likely it originated on Mars. With all that, who's to say there isn't some omnipresent being that evolved from some primal sort of communal intelligence and balances the universe the same way we balance our breathing rate?
ROFL Let's start a new religion: Germs for Jesus©!

Eh... Religion is a subject best discussed with beer.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from The Moose :Since when have atheists had a religion?

Atheism is a single position on a single point. Nothing more. Atheists don't have a religion. Atheism isn't a religion.

You do realize that is the statement the most fanatical of that "non-religion" uses, don't you?

I swear.. I've ran into Atheists every bit as out there as a religious fundamentalist. And yeah, they are VERY RELIGIOUS about their beliefs or lack thereof and are just as intolerant as any two Bible thumpers I can think of.

And who cares anyways? The discussion was supposed to be about the debate between Bill Nye and the creationist nut-case.

Well, the nut case had home field advantage, but I imagine while one debater was "preaching to the choir", the other was pretty much babbling to a brick wall.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :Great to see, and who doesn't love Bill Nye. Let's see how far a serious discussion can go here before we all get banned for offending some group.

Buddhist point of view.

While I, in part, feel that the creationist view is somewhat limited in depth, they do in fact have a valid point.

Science cannot explain clearly either why we exist, what the 'soul' is, what the (limited by language) universe ( yes, there are many) is, or in fact, weither or not reincarnation actually exists.
If you want to look at proof, I.E. Coincidence, statements, strange $&!?, whatever, there is more evidence supporting reincarnation than there is disproving it. So, I'm going out on a limb, and here's a Buddhist point of view.

Life is an illusion, look at quantum physics, read Feynman, what we really don't understand is a major part of what is called 'reality'.

What is reality?, it is only perceived by your senses. It is purely personal, and is perceived by every sentient being individually.

There may be a group consential reality, but, is that actually 'real', or not ?

So, if the only reality is what you perceive with your limited resources, is that reality ?

As an example, look at VR, read sci fi, is a virtual reality a reality to the virtual beings in it ?

Read Iain Banks, seriously, read all his sci fi.

Science can only explain what we know, it builds a false layer of confidence giving us the impression we know more than we do, it cannot explain what we don't know, haven't learned yet.

Anyway, end rant.

TL;DR, there's lots of strange $&@! out there, who knows?

But, Bill Nye is awesome............

in Genesis, the story of Cain and Abel... Know that one? Well Cain was jealous of his brother's sacrifice to God so he kills Abel. He runs off to the Land of Nod. When you look at Adam and Eve's kids and know they got spouses, they never say from where. I'm thinking from Nod.
Now just going out on a limb - A sci-fi silicon based tree...
Could the people of Nod be the result of Divergent evolution and Adam and EVE were super specimens?
LOL in Genesis, it also describes evolution, in a way. It describes how different animals came from other animals. Sound familiar? Of course the Biblical order doesn't really jibe with what we know so far about evolution, but the fact that they describe life developing like that instead of just magically appearing makes you wonder about things.

My Grandfather was a Baptists preacher. I had all that religious crap rammed down my throat as a kid. After Baptizing my cousin, I asked when I could have that happen (8 year olds are pretty scared of going to hell) He told me that I would NEVER appreciate the concept of salvation. Great thing to tell an 8 year old - huh? That day, I became an atheist. LOL I went through the motions of being "saved" in a quaker church - just to piss his ass off. Quakers don't dunk people. And they also wonder why you have to dunk your head under the water when all over the new Testament it tells you NOT to do crap like that to prove your faith....

Here in the States, there are displays of the 10 commandments. A bunch of overzealous atheists find that as an offense to their religion so they're trying to put up some public shrine worshiping atheism. There's even a group of devil worshipers that are trying to get a monument to Satan in Oklahoma.
The Agnostics were going to put up a display too, only they couldn't decide what it would look like.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from ACCAkut :Ehm, I don't know how they do it in Yippyyahow Texas, but here to be allowed to call yourself an Engineer you have to have at least a bachelor degree in engineering There is no state certified test at the end, but the whole course of studies are.

Software engineers are absolutely engineers, IMO "real" engineering and software engineering can't be separated in todays world. The little PCL and C++ I learned is laughable compared to real IT tho


.... UHHH...THanks for proving my point, in a way. See you have to have some sort of background to be considered an engineer... legally - right?
Well here, even though, you'll most certainly get called on it, but for some things, this case, software engineering, a kid that works at gamestop and can make an app can put "software ENGINEER" on his resume. Lemme ask you something. How fair is that to you? Let's say for some horrible reason, you had to move to Detroit, you and that guy are looking for the same job, I'm a headhunter looking to fill a void, I'm a contracted headhunter and only know enough about the position to ask questions and have no clue what is the right answer I do Human Resources, so the guy with the nicest tie wins. He traded it for a copy of Halo....And your resume looked like it had a coffee stain on it.
Are you seeing where I'm going with this?
You all claim to be engineers, you ACC in particular state that a bachelor's is required for you to even put engineer in your title.
I'm not going to argue with you, You're engineers. OK. Fine. But since what y'all do is all that. and is very precise, demanding and well important, then shouldn't you think some sort of bonafide certification is in order? At the very least to prevent the guy with the nice tie from his way into becoming a project manager for the IT of a medical center. Sure somebody may look up his education credentials later, but all he has to worry about is getting fired if he's actually followed up on and found out. I didn't really look at his resume. I was too grossed out after seeing yours and that nasty coffee stain. And his tie really looked good. And Friday's my last day.
While at the same time that's happening, the guy that's applying to operate the boilers for this medical center? He has to be a certified stationary engineer, licensed with the City before he can even almost be considered for the spot. And if he's got a fake license or has no way to validate his certification, he's looking at jail time.
Hopefully, that puts what I'm goin on about in a better perspective for y'all.

I don't know squat about software engineering. LOL yeah I do, I call the receptionist and this dude named Gary shows up and fixes things.
Wait a minute Acc... You're from Germany. You have to be certified to do everything there.

Why you make that seem like it's a BAD thing.

Wait... I'm not through with the medical center. Meet Brad. He's the Architect that designed the building. Unfortunately something went wrong and the emergency room doors fell on someone and killed them. Brad is some one's girlfriend in prison.
Meet Ted. Ted's an alcoholic wife beater. One day after a night of tying one on and chasing his wife halfway across town to her mom's, he finishes up work on the architecture that will enable the software that controls patient monitoring to interact with the rest of the network. He put a "2" where he needed to put a "3" and 5 people in ICU died. What happens to him? If he has decent healthcare, he keeps his job and goes to rehab for two weeks.
I don't know what that has to do with anything, I just was carried away with the imaginary hospital
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :Not everyone who works in software knocks up computer games. My day job involves building software for commerce, systems that take credit cards. If something goes wrong the potential is there for thousands of peoples lives to be ruined, and it's a responsibility I take very seriously.

Some software engineers work on mission critical systems for hospitals, space flights, heck even nuclear missiles are controlled by software written in AMA.

Software runs the world now and there aren't enough geeks to go around. As a programmer you are both system architect, and the one holding the screw driver.

It absolutely is a form of engineering.

As for degrees, it is my view that the universities have never quite got a handle on the subject of being a programmer. A degree is NOT ENOUGH.

I'm sorry your own job is unfulfilled, but let's not tar everyone with the same lack of self esteem eh

You don't get it. There's all sorts of things that are "forms of engineering"
My complaint is how they sling that word around.
And it's really not just that word. What I don't like is how everyone seems to have a habit to over-inflate or over-hype things. I can understand it with salesmen trying to sell you a car or a vacuum cleaner, but it's with EVERYTHING these days. And I think the casual labeling of Engineer is a prime example of that. Maybe it's the rest of the planet that has self esteem issues?

Engineering as a term in particular. For you to do what you do, did you have to take a state or province certified exam to aquire a license to do what you do?
When a Doctor finishes med school or an attorney finishes law school, it doesn't automatically make them a doctor or lawyer. They have to take a certification exam. If a person wants to put Engineer in their title, shouldn't they as well?
Especially people that mess with people's credit cards or hospitals or nuclear missiles?
Like what an electrical, structural or civil engineer does? I engineer stuff all the time, It may not put people's bank accounts at risk if I don't know what I'm doing, But it can sometimes catch fire, fall apart and crush someone. Sure I "engineer" but I base things on tried and true methods of construction. I don't have to resort to complex formulas (very often) to determine if something is going to be structurally sound. For the most part, I just have to know what can be done utilizing established techniques. As much engineering as I do, I'm not one.

Lack of self esteem? ROFL Really?
Sweetie, I'm a cocky arrogant **** from Texas. I don't think that's a very accurate assessment since I think... no I KNOW I'm better than everyone else. :rolleyes: I wouldn't have been able to claw my way up the food chain, if I was like that. If you're gonna take judgemental shots, use a scope to focus your field of view in the microcosm

Unfulfilled... No. that's Americanism. Not unfulfilled. I know I can always do better. I can always work harder. There's no such thing as "enough".
You know, that sort of thing. That and a nice healthy mix of burnout to temper my aggression.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Forbin :You're basically describing a Triumph Rocket 3.

No...LOL have you seen one up close? You'd think they took that motor out of a deisel tractor or something. Forget trailer. A rocket can pull a plow!
...I'm thinking something that would look like a cross between a ducati Panigale and a Honda Rune. Unfortunately, not the cool forks that come on the rune though. Just the basic motor/tank shape and the wheel base.

Reason for Editing:
I'm getting a little obsessed with this. I got kind of a rough LOL a REAL rough mock up. It's kinda looking a little like a drag bike though.
Last edited by Racer Y, .
Racer Y
S3 licensed
I was thinking something almost sci-fy. A 2500cc flat 8. Like a goldwing or a BMW type. Needs to be a flat so the stroke won't be limited by the frame. Shaft drive instead of traditional chains and sprockets. The loss of power from take offs should be minimal since it will be rolling start races. Plus who wants to get hit with a busted chain at 245+ mph? Probably a twin turbo. This bike should also have a long wheelbase. Something that keeps everything in the center of the bike though.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Kristi :Wise words from wise thoughts. Studying to be a software engineer, I know that quote will help me a lot. It's not only for games, it's for every programs aswell but it's really motivational.

...Studying to be a software ENGINEER!
Nothing against you Khristi or the career you wanna pursue. In fact, more power to you.
But the word "engineer" has been slung about for so many professions to make them sound important, that it cheapens the word.
My fancy title? Why I'm a Design ENGINEER. LOL I barely finished high school much less have some sort of licensed certification that engineers are supposed to have. Yeah my job is supposed to be a degreed position, but I've been doing this off and on since I was 14. What I really am in a nutshell is a production artist that knows how to build things and translates architectural graphics from some high dollar firm into something that actually be built and can be mass produced by moody artsy types that are working there cause no one buys fine art in Houston.
Every now and then I come up with something massive or per local ordinance or contract or whatever, what i design has to be certified by a structural engineer, That guy is a state certified structural engineer.
One place I worked the receptionist was married to a guy that worked for Union Pacific Railroad. Now that guy? He was a REAL engineer.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Forbin :Jet engine is a bit of a misnomer. It's a turbine from a helicopter. It directs its power to the ground like any other motorcycle, rather than to the air like an airplane.

yeah. that. but I was running late for work.

[/QUOTE]Probably something like this.


That's too easy....
No. Specialized racing. Bikes designed for Oval only.... OK Maybe Watkins Glen.. Not that sane people would do anything like that. The wrecks would be horrific. But wouldn't the bike be bad ass?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
I've looked up Turbo bikes, supercharged bikes... there's some nut in California that makes and sells sportbikes with a jet engine in it. LOL talk about crotch rockets...
Anyways, I wonder what a racing bike designed for NASCAR oval racing would look like?
I know there's flat track ovals but I mean a big oval, banked curves and I dunno...a 300 mile race. What would the bikes designed for that sort of racing look like? Maybe a longer wheel base? A front fairing that completely covered the front end? I'm not all that big a fan of NASCAR, but I am kind of curious as to what one of those motorcycles would look like if they had those sorts of races.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Sorry for double posting, but I thought you might get a kick out of this cousin.
About ten years ago, in this neighborhood a little north of mine a rumor started that there was going to be this big raid from La Migra. Growing up in vatoland, there's ALWAYS that rumor going around.
Well just so happens at the same time this particular rumor started up, there was this massive car chase. through the neighborhood. Some dude robbed a bank and got into a police chase through several cities and counties and ended up crashing and bailing out of the car in this neighborhood. There were cops of all kinds,with dogs and helicopters and lions and tigers and bears Oh My!
It set the area into a panic. In the space of a day, several thousand people just up and disappeared for a couple of days. The economic impact to the city from them "leaving" was something like 3 million dollars lost.
Illegal immigration is a very weird thing here.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :South Park, series 11, episode 6. ( you might like that one Becky, for the other storyline ! )
Never get them to write an eses for you. Other than that, I thought that was what the two finger thing at Home Depot was all about ?

US; 4 days since the last school mass shooting !
Way to go..........

They stole my idea.
Only instead of replacing teachers, I tried to get them to replace Congress with illegal aliens.
They'll get the job done faster and cheaper. No fancy perks for them. If we ever have a another major disaster, they have a cousin that knows somebody and it'll be OK.
And if they do wind up being the same incompetent morons we currently have, all we gotta do is deport them and go to Home Depot pick up some more.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :I'm pretty sure every American city and town has a dedicated squad of 30 or 50 people for this task. They're kept pretty busy too.

So. Is the REAL reason you have such a hard on for the Good Ol U S of A is because the last time you visited, nobody would hire you out of the Home Depot Parking Lot?

Dude, when the guy shows up in the pick-up and waves two fingers, he's not giving you the peace sign. He means he only needs two of you for the job.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
"I look at this the other way around, to play safe is to play it dangerous. Churning out more of the same and avoiding innovation never works in a developed market. Games are now a mature market, they are mainstream. The only people who can play safe now are the elephants in the room. The rest of us HAVE to innovate, if we don't then we are dead in the water because nobody will hear us making a splash. Our products have to be remarkable (that is to say, worthy of people passing comment on it's features) because if they aren't then no matter how much we spam You Tube, we're just peddling something the world has already seen."

Good point. Real good point.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :I don't understand why someone would go to all the effort to make a game - which I can assure you is a LOT of HARD work - then use that time and skill to go and do something so totally generic and without originality that nobody who's ever played more than a handful of computer games would see any reason to play it.

I really don't.

You should try and make peripherals. I dunno.
I would think game development might be a risky venture these days. Unless you have a decent business plan. Sure. You can crank out another FPS game and someone will buy it, but to come up with something ...original in today's market could go either way. People are always up for something new, but they're pretty fickle about it. Also, while a person develops one thing, say an arcade style air combat game, and really makes an effort to make it flight controller friendly for the PC, the target demographic the developer is aiming for, goes all out smartphone and touchscreen. It happens.
This game you're developing. What platform is your target market? A PC user?, A Tablet/Smartphone user? Both?
Either way, I hope you do well with it.

I miss RTS games. I loved building a massive army of zergs, Soviets or elephants and attacking people with them.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from skstibi :Someone say Turbocharged 650? This is the way to go with that.

I had heard Kawasaki made a turbo in the late 1970's. I thought they put it on a bigger bike than the 650 though. I thought they put it on the 1000 model they had
I heard the reason turbocharging wasn't so well received was because of turbo lag at the start was too slow and the big boost at the end was too dangerous.
That's just what I was told and what I've read. The only turbo I know anything about is my friends ugly Yamaha and I really didn't see a real performance boost from it. I remember it did make a funky noise. A kind of whining sound.
I wouldn't think turbo would be a great thing for motorcycles, at least as not as effective as turbo charging a car. Velocity stacks with decent airflow I think would be more effective. I dunno. It depends on how much boost the particular turbo cranks out.

Electric Superchargers. A friend of mine bought an electric supercharger for his car. It didn't look like it could really do all that much for the car. In fact, he told me it sucked. I wonder if that would be the case on a bike?

I'll look up youtube..... they have a bunch of bike videos with mechanical superchargers, but not any electric ones. Hmmm.
Racer Y
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Best FPS game?
There's a difference?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Blas89 :Come on man, how can you say that about those beauty boots... Ha! I agree with you, they're awful! I don't know who invented them or anything but he/she should be convicted for years in Puente Grande (high security jail)... I don't like norteño and I don't like "Banda" either, it's horrible music.

As for your other posts, yeah they don't care if its during the day or if anyone could see them, they just do their nasty stuff without thinking of anybody else. The cops arrive here, they do, but they never catch a fly.

LOL Banda.... Gotta admit though, the girls in those videos look good